What is Meetopolis?

Meetopolis is dedicated to providing a comprehensive platform that encourages and enables people to put their emotional and psychological well-being first by connecting with others to find caring and genuine connections. Just like our motto says, we want you happy, healthy and whole!

We offer:

  • Interactive virtual communities for peer support on your life journey
  • Video sessions for group therapy with both licensed experts and peer leaders
  • Carefully selected educational resources and quizzes
  • Real connections we call Support Buddies. We want you to connect with support buddies in your groups and events and build real relationships with those who understand your struggles and can rejoice in your victories.
  • Accountability Circles: Studies show that those who stay connected with sponsors or accountability partners are 80% more likely to succeed in their wellness and sobriety journeys. We encourage our users to select three people from their groups to create your inner circle and check in with them regularly.

We believe that the right connections have the ability to change people. We recognize that life is about relationships and the right relationships can be empowering, comforting and healing. We provide you with helpful learning modules, articles, a secure place to communicate, and build relationships with like minded people. We foster a safe atmosphere by implementing cutting-edge features on our intuitive platform available in both the Apple and Google Play stores.

Groups we offer

Join our groups to enhance your emotional and psychological well being!

What Meetopolis offers :

  • Official Groups: Find online support groups led by peers or professionals anytime around a variety of topics periods.
  • Events: Take part in online or in person Meetopolis events to meet members face-to-face and enjoy shared interests.
  • Support Buddies: Find and follow others in your groups to support one another.
  • No ads: We do not have ads for a more enjoyable experience.
  • Modules: Find learning modules and quizzes around a variety of topics.
  • Accountability Circle: Members are encouraged to choose three accountability partners that they must check in with daily.
  • Member search: Find new support buddies and connections with a comprehensive search tool periods
  • Connecting: Add new support buddies to your network and send them messages.
  • Forums: Receive and exchange valuable tips with the groups you join periods


We think everyone should have the chance to prosper and sometimes it’s just about finding the right people to support you at the right time.

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We think everyone should have the chance to prosper and sometimes it’s just about finding the right people to support you at the right time.

We Overcome Location Barriers

A lot of people reside in places where there are little availability of support groups. Now you can access support from any place on your smartphone.

We Overcome Cost Barriers

Mental health care services may not be fully covered by insurance, and therapy can be cost prohibitive to many. Our community is open to anyone seeking real connection and support.

We Overcome Time Restraints

Scheduling typical therapy sessions might be difficult due to hectic schedules and work obligations. On Meetopolis, you can find the help and support you need around the clock. You can simply curate groups, events and people from our home screen.


You are able to join a group from the comfort of your home and make those much-needed and like-minded connections to become happy, healthy and whole.

Struggling with Substance Abuse?

We empower YOU to become self-reliant by giving you tools to help with your recovery journey post rehab, or anytime you need connection. Studies show 80% of people struggling with substance abuse who don't stay connected with a support group relapse within the first 12 months of leaving rehab.

We want you to live your best life! And the first step to that is to stay connected. In addition to having accountability circles to help you on your mental wellness journey, we provide you with curriculum and other tools to become the best version of yourself. We know it’s not always easy, but with accountability buddies and group support it is easier!

Meetopolis is a community that mirrors real life Say goodbye to the superficial relationships that exist on other platforms. Become a part of a real community of support. Our goal is to establish a secure, welcoming, and encouraging environment where people can interact via video groups, exchange stories, and get the tools they require to overcome obstacles, develop resilience, and improve their emotional and mental health.

how we work


When you join Meetopolis and create your free account, you can remain anonymous by choosing any user name, you don’t have to allow other members to see your real name until you are comfortable sharing it.

During any group sessions you choose to join, you can participate or you may simply observe and listen. Members of groups can connect and follow each other and also can participate in group chats and private chats with other members. Sharing and caring is a real part of recovery and in time everyone feels comfortable. It is up to you to make these decisions for yourself when you are ready.

You do not need to talk during the event. It is up to you how you wish to participate. You may want to just weigh in on the forum and connect with individuals privately.

You can source groups by topics and within each group the group founder will post their online events. You can find them every time you get on Meetopolis.

A support buddy is simply a friend that you meet during your events or within your groups. Your buddies are there to support you on your wellness journey and are there to help you succeed.

We encourage all of our members to tap three members of your groups to be your accountability buddies or your inner circle. These are people you are committed to helping and they are committed to helping you. We ask you to check in with your accountability buddies daily.

The length of the group event is entirely up to the founder of the group. This will be published on the event link.

Your sessions happen over video links that are emailed to you. When you join an event in the future, you will receive a confirmation email which relays your event data. You will get a reminder email 24-hours before each session which contains the unique meeting link to join that event. If the event is happening now when you log in to the APP you can simply click on the meeting link to join immediately.

The size of the event is completely up to the founder of the group and event. Some events are smaller and some have up to 25 members.

Group therapy is as effective as individual therapy for an array of symptoms and conditions. In a recent series of 11 meta-analyses encompassing 329 studies comparing group with individual therapy, group therapy was found effective for depression and bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorder, panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, substance use disorders, and chronic pain.(Rosendahl, J., et al., The American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2021).

In February 2003, Jessica's unit was deployed to Kuwait with standby orders for Iraq. On the morning of 23 March 2003, the 507th Maintenance Company Jessica was part of had mistakenly veered off Highway 8 and then turned toward the city into enemy-held territory. The US vehicles ran into an ambush, drawing enemy fire from every direction. Eleven American soldiers were killed and Jessica along with five others were taken prisoner. However, a few soldiers managed to escape the ambush and form a secure perimeter around their wounded. Jessica was held in captivity until she was rescued on April 1, 2003 for a total of nine days.

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We provide general information and discussions about mental health and related subjects. The information and other content provided, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read or heard. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.